Monday, June 28, 2010

Don't be confused by your home based business

Lots of folks think that it's really cool to work from home, but don't really associate the "work" part to it. They think they will get started with a home-based business and voila, the money is going to fall from the sky and land on their heads. Well, I am here to clear up some confusion.

The bad news, is it is harder to work at home, than in an office working for someone else. You don't have the distractions like kids, laundry, and misc. interruptions, when you are working outside the home, but you have someone else telling you when to work, how much you're worth and whether or not it's your turn for a raise or promotion. But the good news is that it is WAY MORE rewarding to work from home, when you can focus on your business. YOU get to determine when you work, how much you want to earn and your income is totally dependent on YOUR goals and YOUR activities. I get to create my own work schedule around the important things in our lives, get the kids fed, the laundry done, organize activities with my kids, go on field trips and plan room parties, AND I am earning a corporate income from home. How cool is that???

So because my kids are older, they are 12, 14 & 17, they are into bigger things now, like beauty pageants, parades and search and rescue operations with the Civil Air Patrol, their jobs, and friends and running all over town. But they understand Mom's business hours and are flexible. My kids are a great support team, and we have a great arrangement.

The critical part of building a business from home is to recognize that it IS a business! Treat it like a business, devoting time every day to it and you will be rewarded accordingly. Treat it as a hobby and you will get frustrated, you won't see the results you want, and it will probably cost you money instead of earn you money. The choice is yours. If you would like to chat about working from home, just ask me. I am living the dream. :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why work from home?

Do you have children and can't afford the high cost of daycare?
Do you feel uneasy placing your children in daycare?
Do you fear your employer will downsize and take your position with them?
Do you want to have extra cash to take vacations when you want to?
Do you want to save for retirement?

You deserve to be part of our Work at Home United Team!

Imagine being your own boss and having the freedom to set your own work schedule.
Imagine your future being financially secure.
Imagine being able to have more time with your family and friends.
Imagine a company that will reward you for enhancing lives.

Now Imagine letting this opportunity pass you by without checking things out, and never knowing if it could have been the right opportunity for you! What are you waiting for? Visit my website today at And request more information.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Let's talk about going green!

There is a lot of talk today about going green. Going green within the home is one of my passions. Why? Well, this year I celebrate 10 years as a breast cancer survivor. Yes, we have a history. But as I look back over previous generations I see that it wasn't until MY generation that the cancer was so very prevalent. Of the 3 girls in my family, we all got cancer. Of my cousins, 3 of 7 dealt with the issues in some way shape or form. You cannot tell me that these statistics don't prove that the environment has something to do with it.

Here are some interesting facts for you:

The air in your home can be up to 70X more polluted than outside air. Most people spend about 90% of their life inside.
There are more chemicals in
the home today than there were in a chemistry lab at the turn of the century (1900). Turn of the century cancer rates were 1 in 50. Today about 1 in 3 and within the next several years it is expected to be 1 in 2~ Do you all accept that?

The EPA doesn't require manufacturers to put harmful chemicals or their harmful effects on the container. FDA cannot regulate a personal care product or require safety testing until after it is in the marketplace. They also can't recall harmful products from the marketplace.

There are 3 ways chemicals enter our bodies: ingestion, absorption and inhalation. Even if a product has a lid on it, or has never been opened, we are still inhaling the toxins. It's called off-gassing. Remember this as you are walking down the cleaning aisle at the grocery store.

Here are some harmful chemicals found in store brands. Chlorine, Dioxin (commonly known as Agent Orange. Exposure is a key factor in cancer and fertility issues) Phenols (linked to breast cancer, allergies, asthma and ADHD), Lye, Bleach, Ammonia, Formaldehyde and Phosphates.

Toxins can be found in air fresheners, window cleaner, all purpose cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, dish washing detergent, carpet shampoo, laundry detergent, fabric softener, hair spray, shampoo, bubble bathe, mouthwash, toothpaste, cosmetics, perfume/cologne, and baby wipes just to name a few. All of the ingredients do not have to be listed on the container. The ones that are listed, may be disguised by what is called a trade name.

~Dove Beauty Bar has Quaternium 15 (This is formaldehyde)
~Johnson's Baby Shampoo also has Quaternium 15 and FD & C Red 40 (causes cancer).
~Crest Tarter Control toothpaste has Saccharin which can cause cancer.
~Clorox has sodium hypochlorite (corrosive) and sensitizers which can be fatal if swallowed and is also a respiratory irritant (People with a heart condition of asthma, be very careful)
~Cascade is corrosive. (Test: Place a quarter size amount of liquid cascade on some tin foil and place over a bowl or sink and let it set for a while. Come back to see what happens)
~409 and Fantastic have ingredients that damage the central nervous system, kidney, liver and damages your blood and your body's ability to make blood. Also listed as a pesticide.
~Lysol has dioxin, also known as Agent Orange, which causes cancer. It is also a registered pesticide.
~Cheer and Tide are corrosive, cause cancer and can be a respiratory tract irritant. Powdered Tide has fiberglass in it.

Can we REALLY afford to take chances with our family? Check out the following sites for more information:

Or just ask me. The company I work with manufactures household consumable green products. Switch stores, save money. GO GREEN NOW, ASK ME HOW!

A little bit about me!

Hi everyone and welcome to my first crack at blogging. I am a busy work at home mom of 3 children, well, almost teenagers, Michael Jr is 16, Megan is 14 and Matthew is 12. That makes life pretty busy and interesting all at the same time. I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom, but found it difficult to raise a busy family on my a single income. My husband, Mike is the love of my life. I never wanted to put the sole financial burden on his shoulders, but we agreed when the kids were born, that I would stay home and we have never compromised on that. So instead, I tried different home businesses. I spent a lot of time peddling products, driving around town, when my kids were young, delivering and selling, and you know what? That was NOT working from home. We were all miserable and I didn't make any money.

Then about 7 1/2 years ago, I found a wonderful company with an incredible support team that helped me every step of the way. The company has impeccable credentials, and I didn't have to do all those other things that I didn't want to do, like selling products, stocking inventory in my basement, having home sales parties. Above all there was NO risk. I really appreciated that, not only for my own family, but it mean that I wasn't going to hurt other families either. How COOL is that? When I first started and was earning a couple hundred dollars and the a couple thousand dollars monthly, it really took the pressure off financially. And so in the last 7 years, we have created an incredible income from home, built our dream home and have created a business and income that will truly last us a lifetime. I would love to talk to anyone who wants to change their life as well. You have heard the saying, if you want to change, do it! You are not a tree!

It all starts with making a decision and making the commitment to change. Then back that decision up with the proper activities that you need to reach your goals.

Join our mission to help others reach their goals. Visit today. I would love to help you!